Source code for AquaponicsModeler.model

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
The :mod:`AquaponicsModeler.model` module contains all components to be used in

All model components are classes that should inherit from
:class:`BaseModelClass`. So far there are two groups of component types:
containers and pumps.

:class:`Containers <Container>` are compents that contain water and have water
flowing in or out. They need to have another component before them in the
model, so water can flow from one container to the other.

As :class:`Containers <Container>` always need a source of water, the first
component in the model is a :class:`Pump`. There are several types of pumps,
but they all assume an infinite water source that they can pump from, and they
pump into a :class:`Container`.

import logging
import collections
import copy
from PyElectronics.timers import AStable555
log = logging.getLogger("aquaponics.model")


    """Constant holding the different parameter types."""

    MODEL = 'Model Component Parameter'
    INTEGER = 'Integer Parameter'
    FLOAT = 'Float Parameter'
    TEXT = 'Text Parameter'

[docs]class BaseModelClass(object): """ A base class for the model that other objects inherit from. The BaseModelClass doesn't implement much except for general methods to get the parameters for a component and to manage the state while stepping through the model. The state is the main variable manipulated by the model. For :class:`Pump` it contains the on/off state, while for :class:`Containers <Container>` it contains the water volume of the container. """ _PARAMS = collections.OrderedDict() def __init__(self): self.state = None def __str__(self): return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def get_state(self): """ Get the current contents of this container. Returns: float: current state value """ return self.state
[docs] def getParameters(cls): """ Return the model parameters. Returns: collections.OrderedDict: The parameters for this class. """ log.debug('Getting parameters for class %s: %s' % (cls, cls._PARAMS)) return cls._PARAMS
[docs] def step(self): """Step into the next iteration of the model.""" raise NotImplementedError("Please implement a step instance method")
[docs]class SimpleContainer(BaseModelClass): """ A container in the aquaponics loop. Each container is a container/tank/basin/growbed/etc containing a volume of water, with possibly water flowing out into the next component and flowing into it from the previous container in the loop. The inflow speed of each container is determined by the outflow speed of the previous container. The outflow of each container only starts when in the treshold has been reached, and only if the contents of the container > 0 liters. """ _PARAMS = { 'previous': (_PARAM_TYPES.MODEL, 'previous'), 'outflow': (_PARAM_TYPES.FLOAT, 'outflow (l/min)'), 'start_content': (_PARAM_TYPES.INTEGER, 'start content (l)') } def __init__(self, previous, outflow, start_content=0): """ Args: previous (Container): The previous Container in the chain. outflow (float): The outflow speed of this container. threshold (int): The threshold contents after which the container outflow speed starts. start_content (int): The starting contents of the container. """ self.previous = previous self.outflow = outflow self.state = self.start_content = start_content
[docs] def get_current_outflow_speed(self): """ Determine the current flow speed of water from this container. Returns: float: The current outflow speed. """ return self.outflow
[docs] def get_current_inflow_speed(self): """ Determine the current speed of water flowing into this container. This is determined by the outflow speed of the previous container. Returns: float: The current inflow speed. """ return self.previous.get_current_outflow_speed()
[docs] def step(self, time=10): """ Go through the next step of the simulation of this container. Args: time (int): The length of the next step in seconds. """ inflow = self.get_current_inflow_speed() outflow = self.get_current_outflow_speed() self.state += time / 60 * inflow - time / 60 * outflow
[docs]class Container(SimpleContainer): _PARAMS = copy.deepcopy(SimpleContainer._PARAMS) _PARAMS['threshold']= (_PARAM_TYPES.INTEGER, 'dump threshold (l)') def __init__(self, previous, outflow, threshold, start_content=0): """ Args: previous (Container): The previous Container in the chain. outflow (float): The outflow speed of this container. threshold (int): The threshold contents after which the container outflow speed starts. start_content (int): The starting contents of the container. """ self.previous = previous self.outflow = outflow self.threshold = threshold self.state = self.start_content = start_content
[docs] def get_current_outflow_speed(self): """ Determine the current flow speed of water from this container. Returns: float: The current outflow speed. """ if self.state >= self.threshold: return self.outflow else: return 0
[docs]class FloodDrainContainer(Container): """ This :class:`Container` will drain fully when the threshold has been reached. In other respects it works like other :class:`Containers <Container>` but for the way it drains. A container with a U-siphon or bell siphon at the end will only start draining when the waterlevel has reached a maximum. When that happens, suction makes sure that all water is drained from the container at the speed specified in outflow. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(FloodDrainContainer, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.flooding = False
[docs] def get_current_outflow_speed(self): """ Return the current outlflow speed. Outflow starts when self.threshold has been reached and will continue at self.outflow speed until the container is empty. Returns: float: The outflow speed of this :class:`Container` """ if (self.flooding is True and self.state > 0)\ or self.state >= self.threshold: self.flooding = True return self.outflow else: self.flooding = False return 0
[docs]class Pump(BaseModelClass): """ A general Pump object. It pumps water into the system (from an unlimited source) and has a constant outflow speed. It doesn't have contents (unlike containers for instance). The state attribute contains the on (1) or off (0) state of the pump, which is also what is plotted in the resulting graphs. """ _PARAMS = { 'outflow': (_PARAM_TYPES.FLOAT, 'outflow (l/min)'), } def __init__(self, outflow): """ Args: outflow (float): The speed at which the pump pumps. """ self.outflow = outflow self.state = 1
[docs] def get_current_outflow_speed(self): """ Return the pump speed of this pump. Returns: float: The outflow speed of this pump in L/min. """ return self.outflow
[docs] def step(self, time=10): """ Go through the next step of the pump state and return that state. Args: time (int): The time in seconds for which the pump state should be returned. Returns: int: The state of the pump. 1=on 0=off. """ return self.state
[docs]class WaterSource(BaseModelClass): """ A general Water Source object. Water flows at a static speed from a source (spring or other source). It doesn't have contents (unlike containers for instance). """ _PARAMS = { 'outflow': (_PARAM_TYPES.FLOAT, 'outflow (l/min)'), } def __init__(self, outflow): """ Args: outflow (float): The speed at which the watersource flows. """ self.outflow = outflow self.state = None
[docs] def get_current_outflow_speed(self): """ Return the pump speed of this pump. Returns: float: The outflow speed of this source in L/min. """ return self.outflow
[docs] def step(self, time=10): """ Go through the next step of the source. Args: time (int): The time in seconds for which the pump state should be returned. """ return
[docs]class TimedPump(Pump): """ A pump like the Pump object. This pump has timing parameters which periodically switch it on and off. This way the outflow speed of the pump is controlled. If it is on, it equals the outflow speed parameter, else it is 0. """ _PARAMS = copy.deepcopy(Pump._PARAMS) _PARAMS['ontime'] = (_PARAM_TYPES.FLOAT, 'on time (min)') _PARAMS['offtime'] = (_PARAM_TYPES.FLOAT, 'off time (min)') def __init__(self, ontime, offtime, outflow): """ Args: ontime (float): The time in minutes the pump spends pumping. offtime (float): The time in minutes the pump is off. outflow (float): The speed at which the pump pumps in L/min. """ self.ontime = ontime * 60 self.offtime = offtime * 60 self.outflow = outflow self.time_since_switch = 0 self.state = 1
[docs] def get_current_outflow_speed(self): """ Return the current outflow (pump) speed. It is determined by a timed switch that toggles the pump on and off. Returns: float: The outflow speed in L/min """ log.debug("state %i, time since switch %i, ontime %i, offtime %i" % (self.state, self.time_since_switch, self.ontime, self.offtime)) if self.state == 1 and self.time_since_switch < self.ontime: outflow = self.outflow elif self.state == 0 and self.time_since_switch >= self.offtime: outflow = self.outflow elif self.state == 0 and self.time_since_switch < self.offtime: outflow = 0 elif self.state == 1 and self.time_since_switch >= self.ontime: outflow = 0 logging.debug("Returning outflow %0.2f" % outflow) return outflow
[docs] def step(self, time=10): """ Go through the next step of the pump state and return that state. Args: time (int): The time in seconds for which the pump state should be returned. """ if (self.state == 0 and self.time_since_switch >= self.offtime) or\ (self.state == 1 and self.time_since_switch >= self.ontime): log.debug("Switching pump state to %i " % (self.state ^ 1)) self.state = self.state ^ 1 self.time_since_switch = 0 else: log.debug("Keeping pump state at %i " % self.state) self.time_since_switch += time log.debug("Pump at state %i for %i sec" % (self.state, self.time_since_switch))
[docs]class Timed555Pump(TimedPump): """ A pump like the :class:`TimedPump` object. This pump gets resistor and capacitor values as input parameters instead of the actual ontime and offtime. This object assumes a 555 timer circuit in a-stable mode is used to switch the pump on and off. A relay is used for the actual switching which is on when the timer is high. The resistor values of the timer determine the on and off time. """ _PARAMS = copy.deepcopy(Pump._PARAMS) _PARAMS['r1'] = (_PARAM_TYPES.FLOAT, 'Resistor 1 value (KOhm)') _PARAMS['r2'] = (_PARAM_TYPES.FLOAT, 'Resistor 2 value (KOhm)') _PARAMS['c'] = (_PARAM_TYPES.INTEGER, 'The capacitor value (uF)') def __init__(self, r1, r2, c, outflow): """ Args: r1 (int): The value in Ohm of resistor 1 for the 555 timer. r2 (int): The value in Ohm of resistor 2 for the 555 timer. c (int): The value of the capacitor in uF for the 555 timer outflow (float): The speed at which the pump pumps in L/min. """ self.c = c self.r1 = r1 self.r2 = r2 ontime = AStable555.timeHigh(r1, r2, c) offtime = AStable555.timeLow(r2, c) log.debug("Got ontime %i" % ontime) log.debug("Got offtime %i" % offtime) self.ontime = ontime self.offtime = offtime self.outflow = outflow self.time_since_switch = 0 self.state = 1
[docs]class InvTimed555Pump(TimedPump): """ An inverted version of the :class:`Timed555Pump` object. It works very similar, but the relay is inverted. The normally-off side of the relay is used to switch the pump off when the timer is high. """ _PARAMS = copy.deepcopy(Pump._PARAMS) _PARAMS['r1'] = (_PARAM_TYPES.FLOAT, 'Resistor 1 value (KOhm)') _PARAMS['r2'] = (_PARAM_TYPES.FLOAT, 'Resistor 2 value (KOhm)') _PARAMS['c'] = (_PARAM_TYPES.INTEGER, 'The capacitor value (uF)') def __init__(self, r1, r2, c, outflow): """ Args: r1 (int): The value in Ohm of resistor 1 for the 555 timer. r2 (int): The value in Ohm of resistor 2 for the 555 timer. c (int): The value of the capacitor in uF for the 555 timer outflow (float): The speed at which the pump pumps in L/min. """ self.c = c self.r1 = r1 self.r2 = r2 ontime = AStable555.timeLow(r2, c) offtime = AStable555.timeHigh(r1, r2, c) log.debug("Got ontime %i" % ontime) log.debug("Got offtime %i" % offtime) self.ontime = ontime self.offtime = offtime self.outflow = outflow self.time_since_switch = 0 self.state = 1
[docs]def get_components(): """ Get all available component types. Returns: list: Return a list of all component classes. """ return [Container, FloodDrainContainer, Pump, TimedPump, Timed555Pump, InvTimed555Pump, WaterSource, SimpleContainer]
__all__ = ['BaseModelClass', 'Container', 'FloodDrainContainer', 'Pump', 'TimedPump', 'Timed555Pump', 'InvTimed555Pump', 'WaterSource', 'SimpleContainer', 'get_components', '_PARAM_TYPES']