Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This module contains the actual Qt app."""
from PyQt5 import QtWidgets,  QtCore
from PyQt5.Qt import QRect
import sys
import logging
from AquaponicsModeler import interface
from AquaponicsModeler import model
from AquaponicsModeler.plotcanvas import PlotWindow
from AquaponicsModeler.plotdata import DataSeries,  DataItem,  PlotData

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, stream=sys.stdout)

[docs]def run_model(chain, timestep, runtime, log): """ Run the actual model and return the data series. Args: timestep (int): The time steps (seconds) for the model Minimum is 1 second, max is 3600s (1 hour) runtime (int): The total time (hours) the model should run for Minimum is 1 hour, maximum is 23 hours chain (list): A list of model in the order they are connected in the model. The componets should be instances of classes inheriting from :class:`<model.BaseModelCompontent>` log (logging.Logger): The logger to use for logging Returns: list: A list with an item for the time axis plus an item for each model component in chain, with the data series for that component. """ runtime = runtime * 3600 results = [[] for c in chain] results.append([]) for t in range(0, runtime, timestep): results[0].append(t) log.debug("Stepping to time %i" % t) for i, c in enumerate(chain): results[i + 1].append(c.get_state()) for c in reversed(chain): c.step(timestep) return results
[docs]def get_parameter_widget(name, type): """ Map a tuple with model parameter type information into a QtWidget set. Args: name (str): The name of the parameter type (tuple): A tuple with parameter information. The first item is always the the second is the label to display and subsequent items might be needed to create the widget Returns: list: A list with :class:`QtWidgets.QtWidget` for all widgets for this parameter. """ if type[0] == model._PARAM_TYPES.MODEL: return [] elif type[0] == model._PARAM_TYPES.INTEGER: label = QtWidgets.QLabel() label.setText(type[1]) label.setObjectName('lab_%s' % name) widget = QtWidgets.QSpinBox() widget.setMaximum(9999999) widget.setObjectName('w_%s' % name) label.setBuddy(widget) return [label, widget] elif type[0] == model._PARAM_TYPES.FLOAT: label = QtWidgets.QLabel() label.setText(type[1]) label.setObjectName('lab_%s' % name) widget = QtWidgets.QDoubleSpinBox() widget.setMaximum(9999999) widget.setObjectName('w_%s' % name) label.setBuddy(widget) return [label, widget] elif type[0] == model._PARAM_TYPES.TEXT: label = QtWidgets.QLabel() label.setText(type[1]) label.setObjectName('lab_%s' % name) widget = QtWidgets.QLineEdit() widget.setObjectName('w_%s' % name) label.setBuddy(widget) return [label, widget]
[docs]class AquaponicsModeler(QtWidgets.QMainWindow, interface.Ui_MainWindow): """The graphical interface to the aquaponics modeler.""" def __init__(self, log, parent=None): """ Instantiate the application. Args: log (logging.Logger): The logger to send log messages to. parent (PyQt5.Qt.QWidget): The parent widget. """ super(AquaponicsModeler, self).__init__(parent) self.log = log self.setupUi(self) self.bt_add_row.clicked.connect(self.addRow) self.bt_del_row.clicked.connect(self.deleteSelectedRows) self.btn_run.clicked.connect(self.runModel) self.plotWindow = PlotWindow() self.plotWindow.setGeometry(QRect(0, 0, 600, 400))
[docs] def showErrorMessage(self, message): """ Popup a message box with an error message. Args: message (str): The message to display. """ msgbx = QtWidgets.QMessageBox() msgbx.setText(message) msgbx.setIcon(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Critical) msgbx.exec_()
[docs] def plotResults(self, results, chain): """ Plot the results of a model run with matplotlib. results (list): A list of lists. The first item is the x-axis (time component). Subsequent items are series for each model component in the order in which they are in the chain. Each of these lists contains the state values of the component for each step through the model. chain (list): The model chain, which is a list of instances inheriting from :class:`model.BaseModelClass`. """ x = [r / 60 for r in results[0]] pumpSeries = DataSeries(x_title='Time (min)', y_title='State (on/off)', x_values=x, dataItems=[]) containerSeries = DataSeries(x_title='Time (min)', y_title='Contents (L)', x_values=x, dataItems=[]) self.log.debug("Got %i items for time axis" % len(x)) items = [] names = [] for i, c in enumerate(chain): params = c.__class__.getParameters() paramValues = [(v[1], str(getattr(c, k))) for k,v in params.items()] num = 1 name = "%s%i" % (c, num) while name in names: num += 1 name = "%s%i" % (c, num) names.append(name) item = DataItem(title=name, values=results[i + 1], params=paramValues) if isinstance(c, model.Pump): self.log.debug('Adding a series with %i items to pumpSeries.' % len(item.values)) pumpSeries.dataItems.append(item) elif isinstance(c, model.SimpleContainer): self.log.debug('Adding a series with %i' % len(item.values) + ' items to containerSeries.') containerSeries.dataItems.append(item) items.append(item) desc = "Model components: %s" % ", ".join( ["%s (%s)" % (i.title, ','.join( ["%s: %s" %(k, v) for k, v in i.params])) for i in items]) dataSeries = [] if(len(containerSeries.dataItems)>0): dataSeries.append(containerSeries) if(len(pumpSeries.dataItems)>0): dataSeries.append(pumpSeries) data = PlotData(dataSeries=dataSeries, description=desc) self.plotWindow.plot(data)
[docs] def runModel(self): """Run the actual model.""" chain = [] for i in range(0, self.modelLayout.count()): row = self.modelLayout.itemAt(i).widget().layout() typewidget = row.itemAt(1).widget() componentType = typewidget.itemData(typewidget.currentIndex()) if componentType is None: self.showErrorMessage("The component in row %i doesn't have " + "a type yet. Please select one." % (i + 1)) return self.log.debug('Component %i is of type %s' % (i, componentType.__name__)) values = {} params = componentType.getParameters() if 'previous' in params.keys(): if i == 0: self.showErrorMessage("The %s component at row %i can't be" "the first component. It needs a " "source of water. Try adding a pump." % (componentType.__name__, (i + 1))) return else: values['previous'] = chain[i - 1] for j in range(2, row.count()): w = row.itemAt(j).widget() name = w.objectName() self.log.debug('Checking widget %s' % name) if name[:2] == 'w_': name = name[2:] if hasattr(w, 'value'): v = w.value() elif hasattr(w, 'text'): v = w.text() else: self.log.error("Unable to fetch value for widget %s %s" % (name, w)) v = None values[name] = v self.log.debug('Got parameter values %s' % values) component = componentType(**values) chain.append(component) if len(chain) == 0: self.showErrorMessage("No model components have been defined " "yet. Please add rows.") return self.log.debug('Got chain %s' % chain) timestep = self.inp_timestep.value() runtime = self.inp_runtime.value() self.log.debug('Got timestep %i and runtime %i' % (timestep, runtime)) results = run_model(chain, timestep, runtime, self.log) self.plotResults(results, chain)
[docs] def addRow(self): """Add a row to the list of components.""" count = self.modelLayout.count() # The number of rows already there """The initial widgets (dropbox for component type and checkbox to select the row""" checkbox = QtWidgets.QCheckBox() typebox = QtWidgets.QComboBox() typebox.addItem("-- choose a component--", None) typebox.currentIndexChanged.connect(self.updateModelComponent) for i, t in enumerate(model.get_components()): typebox.addItem(t.__name__, t) # The frame widget and layout holding this row. frame = QtWidgets.QFrame(self.modelFrame) frame.setFrameShape(QtWidgets.QFrame.StyledPanel) frame.setFrameShadow(QtWidgets.QFrame.Raised) frame.setObjectName("componentFrame%i" % count) modelComponent = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout(frame) modelComponent.setAlignment(QtCore.Qt.AlignLeft) modelComponent.setObjectName("modelComponent%i" % count) # Add the component widgets to the frame modelComponent.addWidget(checkbox) modelComponent.addWidget(typebox) # Add the frame to the application self.modelLayout.addWidget(frame)
[docs] def updateModelComponent(self): """ Action to perform when the component type dropbox changes. It removes all parameter widgets for the respective row and adds the parameter widgets for the new component type. """ sender = self.sender() layout = sender.parent().layout() index = layout.indexOf(sender) rem_items = [] for i in range(index + 1, layout.count()): """First loop over the widgets before removing them as the index will change once removed.""" item = layout.itemAt(i) if item is None: continue self.log.debug('item at at %s: %s' % (i, item.widget())) rem_items.append(item) for i in rem_items: # Now remove the items. layout.removeItem(i) widget = i.widget() widget.deleteLater() # get the component type component = sender.itemData(sender.currentIndex()) self.log.debug('Changed model component to %s' % component) # get the model parameters for the type params = component.getParameters() for k, v in params.items(): # add all parameters to the layout if k == 'previous': continue else: for w in get_parameter_widget(k, v): layout.addWidget(w) self.log.debug('adding widget %s %s' % (k, w))
[docs] def deleteSelectedRows(self): """ Action to perform when the remove row button is clicked. All component rows for which the checkbox was clicked are removed. """ layout = self.modelLayout self.log.debug('Number of component rows: %s' % (layout.count())) remove_rows = [] for r in range(0, layout.count()): row_item = layout.itemAt(r) if row_item is None: self.log.warn('Widget at row %s is of type None' % r) continue row = row_item.widget() self.log.debug('Item at row %s: %s' % (r, row)) componentLayout = row.layout() item = componentLayout.itemAt(0) if item is None: self.log.debug('Widget at row %s and position 0 is None' % r) continue widget = item.widget() self.log.debug('Widget at row %s and position 0: %s' % (r, widget)) if isinstance(widget, QtWidgets.QCheckBox) and widget.isChecked(): self.log.debug('Removing widgets for row %s' % r) remove_rows.append(row_item) items = [componentLayout.itemAt(c) for c in range(0, componentLayout.count())] for c, item in enumerate(items): if item is None: continue self.log.debug('item at at %s %s: %s' % (r, c, item.widget())) componentLayout.removeItem(item) widget = item.widget() widget.deleteLater() else: self.log.debug('Leaving row %s alone' % r) for row in remove_rows: """Remove the actual rows (Frames that used to contain the widgets for the component)""" self.log.debug('Removing row %s' % row.widget()) layout.removeItem(row) row.widget().deleteLater() self.log.debug('Rows remaning: %i' % layout.count())
[docs]def main(): """Run the actual application.""" log = logging.getLogger("aquaponics.interface") app = QtWidgets.QApplication(sys.argv) form = AquaponicsModeler(log) app.exec_()
if __name__ == '__main__': main() __all__ = ['AquaponicsModeler', 'run_model', 'get_parameter_widget', 'main']